Friday, December 22, 2006

Squid Abuse

They killed it. The fuckers killed it.

Squid are beautiful, wonderful creatures, and all they deserve is love. But a bunch of dudes with funny eyes and small penises managed to kill one in their efforts to "study" it.

--A Japanese research team has succeeded in filming a giant squid live -- possibly for the first time -- and says the elusive creatures may be more plentiful than previously believed, a researcher said Friday.

The research team, led by Tsunemi Kubodera, videotaped the giant squid at the surface as they captured it off the Ogasawara Islands south of Tokyo earlier this month. The squid, which measured about 24-feet long, died while it was being caught.--

Good job, douchebags. "Oh, we rearry rearry want to see big squid up crose, so we make it rearry rearry dead trying to catch it," they say in their broken Engrish.

Fuck, I'm even more flaccid than I was after that moose got drunk and fell through the ice. Count my moose-poker out for the rest of the decade.

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