Monday, December 25, 2006

A Christmoose Message


I'm a Christmas moose, so naturally I love Christmas. Except I'm totally not into that Christ thing.

How can this be, you ask? What good is Christmas without Christ, the guy the holiday is named after? Can there be Christmas without religion? Enquiring minds want to know!

The simple answer is, Christmas means something different to me than it does to some average christian dude.

To me, it's the time of year when I came to live with my people. It's the Christmas pageant, and P3 trying to sing, and Doug Fir, and Scarface (don't ask), and cookies, and the spotted pink elephant from the Island Of Misfit Toys, and stockings hung over the fireplace. It's eggnog with just enough rum to make my loins warm, and the Polka Christmas CD, and presents, and shiny things and pretty lights.

It's also about my "family." Not a real family in the sense of biology, just a random loosely knit collection of creatures, some human, some not, all banded together to face the world. Christmas is a day to remember to appreciate each other, even though we know each and every one of us has our moments of being the most annoying fuck in the universe.

Last but sure not least, Christmas is about a warmth in my (and your) heart. It's smiling a little more, helping out a little more, maybe giving the benefit of the doubt a little more. All in an effort to make the world a happier, brighter place, even if only for a moment.

Oh, and it's about hoping I find lots of nice scented lubricants for my gherkin jerkin' under the tree. Can't forget that part. I really like the candy cane one.

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