Friday, December 8, 2006

Evil Wal-Mart And Pee-Pee Touching

I hate Wal-Mart. But I like having my pee-pee touched. But only when I want my pee-pee touched. So this story made me sad, because the little boy didn't want his pee-pee touched.

--Four-year-old Dean Rickabaugh Jr. believed he was big enough to use the Wal-Mart restroom by himself.

Polk County court papers say the boy, then a few days shy of his birthday, argued repeatedly with his mother to let him go to the bathroom alone on June 27, 2004. The mother, Jackie Ashley, wanted her son to use the women's restroom with her at the Altoona store. But the boy, also known as D.J., won the argument.

Ashley has acknowledged that she feared something bad would happen to D.J. if she let him go to the restroom alone, but she nevertheless let him go, Lederer told jurors. Likewise, D.J. has told Wal-Mart lawyers that he was turned down when he asked his father to take him to the men's restroom.--

Okay, it's time to play What's Wrong With This Picture?

What the fuck kind of mother argues with a four year old, not to mention caves to his argument? What the fuck kind of father refuses to take his kid to the shitter?

I loved the part about Mommy & Daddy's substance abuse problems, too. You can almost see it. The poor kid tells them that someone did "bad touch" on him in the men's room, and they're too drunk and/or stoned to care. All they can think is, "Yee-HAW!! It happened at Wal-Mart. We done won the Lawsuit Lotto now!"

Howzabout instead of letting these ass-weevils sue the store for something that is entirely the fault of the so-called parents, we take the kid away from the ass-weevil parents, and place him with decent folks? With luck, he'll quickly get past his shitty experince and his shitty upbringing to date. And in a dozen or so years, he can appreciate what pee-pee touching is really all about.

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