Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Crazy People Shouldn't Breed

Did you ever want to take a shotgun to somebody?

I have that urge more than I should, but this little glimpse into just how fucked up some people are nearly made me pass the ammo and fail to praise the moose.

--Wanting to have children who follow in one’s footsteps is an understandable desire. But a coming article in the journal Fertility and Sterility offers a fascinating glimpse into how far some parents may go to ensure that their children stay in their world — by intentionally choosing malfunctioning genes that produce disabilities like deafness or dwarfism.--

That's just so fucked up. There's so many people who want nothing more than a healthy, normal child. And then there's these freaks, who are deliberately creating defective children.

Yeah, I called them freaks. Crazy fuckers, even. News flash, assholes: Deafness and dwarfism aren't "cultures." They're handicaps. Fucking physical short-comings, you imbeciles.

Genetic science exists to breed bad shit OUT of the gene pool, not breed it in. Any doctor who would be a party to deliberately creating a fucked-up kid is so ethically bankrupt, he needs to surrender his medical license. And parents who would do this need to be prosecuted for child abuse.

Gack. I can't even talk about this anymore. I might never achieve another erection. I'll come back to the subject later.

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