Saturday, February 3, 2007

Tolerance, Diversity, Empathy, And Bullshit

So, I hear a lot about how important diversity is. From what I can tell, diversity is where everyone is different from everyone else because they all think exactly the same and all like the same things.

Now to me, that doesn't sound very diverse. It doesn't much matter what color, size, shape, age, or gender these would-be members of the Borg are, as long as there's no room for dissent.

Apparently "tolerance" is a lot like "diversity," except it only goes one direction. Certain people have to tolerate everyone and everything, but no one has to tolerate them.

And "empathy" is that thing where you publicly proclaim admiration for afflicted people, but privately you pity them.

Why am I so on about this stuff today?

Lots of reasons, all of them having to do with Al Gore's evil internet. If he'd never invented it, I'd be sitting someplace quiet, manipulating my mondo moose-meat. But instead, I read all about these people and their views on tolerance diversity, and empathy.

Take Trading Spouses as an example. The gal they had on last night, Julie, was a real pip. She doesn't like mexicans, says she would have had an abortion if pre-natal testing showed Down syndrome, and thinks homosexuality is a birth defect.

Let's start with the mexicans. I really didn't get the impression she was talking about mexicans in general, but about the ones who came here without, uh... legal sanction.

Well SHIT. A lot of the mexicans that came here legally don't like the illegals either. They deeply resent the fact that they went through a long, arduous process, and other folks decided to be line-jumpers.

So hell, if their own people don't like them, why should poor Julie have to?

But she's obviously evil, because she would have aborted a Down syndrome pregnancy. No doubt Satan is laughing at her poor damned soul.

Oh, give me a fucking break. That's going to be an awfully big party in Hades, because somewhere between eighty and ninety percent of the couples who receive a pre-natal diagnosis of Down syndrome choose to end the pregnancy.

So sweet Julie is by no means the only one who would do it. She's just the only one who is willing to admit that she would do it.

But you wouldn't know that by reading the viewer comments about her. All these women saying their little tards are a "blessing" and shit. Not that having one is the end of the world, but FUCK. If I was human, this whole "specialer than thou" thing would piss me off. Like defective people are somehow morally superior to normal ones.

In the moose world, we leave the defectives behind for the wolves to eat.

Now I'm not down at all with the whole "homosexuality is a birth defect" thing. Lesbians can be kinda hot. But you gotta admit, if it IS a genetic condition, that only affects a tiny percentage of the population, and prevents the propagation of the species, "birth defect" isn't a total non sequitur.

I wonder, if a "gay gene" is identified for sure, will people start testing for it in utero, and aborting gay babies?

That would be a shame. A world with no lesbian porn is not a world I want to contemplate.

Anyway, all these folks are blathering on about how Julie lacks tolerance and empathy. They have also made numerous comments about her "pig snout nose" and "horse teeth." Now, I thought she was rather attractive, and I wouldn't turn her down if she wanted to slobber on my knob. But I hardly think it's sporting to criticize someone for being intolerant and not empathetic, and then make fun of their nose and teeth, which they really can't do a whole lot about.

Pots and kettles, etc etc etc.

Now, let's talk a little bit about the wonders of diversity. Diversity means having people from all walks of life, living together in peace and harmony. Kumbaya, my squid, Kumbaya...

I was reading a parenting board, where several of the ladies said they deliberately chose to live in "diverse" neighborhoods, so their Wonder Bread kids would be exposed to people who were different than them. On the surface, that doesn't sound like a bad thing, because the real world is full of all kinds of different folks, right?

The problem comes when little Caspar is one of only a handful of ghosts at the school, and all the other more richly-pigmented kiddies decide to pick on him because he's different. I mean, I'm all for that Kumbaya shit, but your spawn isn't going to be thinking those higher thoughts as he's being stuffed into his gym locker upside-down with adhesive tape binding his scrotum to his ass-crack.

Sticking out like a kidney in a vat of Cool Whip™ brings me to my last subject of the day, always a favorite. Yes, I'm talking about the Peanut Mommies.

I love to read their rantings and ravings, because they have really elevated the concept of working at cross purposes to a fine art. They say the world should show tolerance and empathy towards their little immuno-defective sproggies, but then demand that said sproggies not be "stigmatized" or "singled out."

Yeah, whatever, Munchausen by Goober moomies. You have two choices: Teach your kid to be as careful as possible, and then let him blend into the crowd. Or, turn him into a neurotic fuck with a giant neon "Peanut Freak" sign on his head.

I don't think anyone much gives a shit which avenue you choose. Just quit fucking WHINING that no one likes your kid, when you are the one who taped that "kick me" sign to his back.

Empathy THAT, Peanut Mommies.


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