Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dear Illegals: Please Fuck Right The Hell Off

From beautiful Tucson, Arizona comes this steaming pile of shit opinion piece about how America is a big rotten meanie poopie-head for raising immigration-related fees in order to fund the various agencies that oversee the process.

--Karen has been in the United States three years. She has applied for a work permit four times, paying almost $300 each time. Her petition has always been denied. She works — without a permit — as a waitress in Miami, earning $300 a week.

If she were to qualify for citizenship, she would not hesitate to make the sacrifice, work extra hours and pay the high cost of becoming an American, but if her petition were again denied, it would take a toll not only on her finances, but on her spirit.--

Someone call the waaaaahhhmbulance, because ol' "Karen" sure needs it. And so does the ding-dong who wrote the article.

What, exactly, would be the point of the government subsidizing the cost of immigrating? To ensure that even more unskilled labor from third-world-esque countries floods in?

C'mon, people, you're smarter than this. You claim you are the very best Darwin's theories had to offer. I'm here to tell you, Uncle Chuck would be hella disappointed by now.

The opinioneer's thought is that any expenditures funding the agencies that make illegals legal will be more than offset by their future contributions in the form of taxes.




The people who can't afford the fees associated with immigrating will always always ALWAYS consume far more in resources than they ever ever EVER contribute in taxes. Is your under-class so low in numbers that you feel the need to recruit additional members from other countries?

Nah, I didn't think so.

I dunno. Maybe y'all should let more people in. But perhaps those people should be highly talented individuals, not uneducated dullards devoid of any skill that is marketable in this age of technology.

After all, as I have already pointed out, it's not like there's some huge shortage of native-born bottom-feeders.

I really think you guys need to take a long hard look at how much you are willing to diminish your own standard of living in order to feel good about propping up those who weren't lucky enough to be born here.

Just my advice, and I'm only a moose, not one of you highly evolved humans. So take it for what it's worth.

--The American Immigration Lawyers Association is appalled by the proposal to increase the rates. It is unacceptable, the association says, to promise a 20 percent improvement in processing times by the end of 2009 and ask applicants to pay approximately 66 percent more for services that they will most likely not be receiving.--

Uh oh. Time to call the waaaaahhhmbulance again. The lawyers are pissed.

Hmmmmm... Wonder how much THEY charge the poor illegals?


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