Thursday, February 1, 2007

Hanoi Jane's Cunning Stunt

Jane Fonda is back in the anti-war business.

--For her next act, Jane Fonda has entered the war against the Iraq war. At the tail-end of yesterday's on-the-Mall rally, organized by United for Peace and Justice, Fonda stood onstage with the Capitol behind her and addressed the sun-drenched thousands. "I haven't spoken at an antiwar rally in 34 years," she said. But, "Silence is no longer an option."--

Does this mean Irraq can expect a visit and photo op with the aged Ms. Fonda, where she's shown doing the hokey pokey with a suicide bomber before he dispatches some American troops to the Great Beyond?

What a cunt.

That's an ugly word, isn't it? And one I don't use often. For all of my rude, crude, socially unacceptable behavior, deep down I'm a good-hearted moose. I don't haul out the "C" word on a whim.

But Jane Fonda caused a lot of brave, dedicated men a lot of grief. She's John Kerry with a bigger penis. Her "peaceful" anti-war activism had the effect of making the Vietnam conflict even uglier than it was. No, not for Joe Average sitting in front of his television set. For Joe Soldier, and Joe POW.

And now she's back, protesting Iraq. She wants "our boys" out of there. And you know what the irony is? The people people over there, the folks who volunteered to serve our country, are what make her idiotic actions possible.

They might not piss on Jane Fonda if she was on fire, but they would fight to the death for her right to "express herself."

I don't really get why she's such an icon to all the humans who swing left anyways. I mean, she's all about that feminism thing, right?

So her first husband was Roger Vadim, a movie director. She did the nasty with other women while he watched, then sat there while he porked them. She didn't want to, but she did it to please him. Now THAT is girl power.

While she was married to her second husband, politician Tom Hayden, she put out about a gazillion exercise videos. Nothing like an exercise video dynasty to make your fellow women feel like they need to get all unnatural skinny in order to please their man. Yet more feminist empowerment.

Then, she married Ted Turner. It's an old feminist trick: Marry some horny rich guy, who could buy and sell you eight times a day for the rest of his life, in order to expose the evils of the patriarchy.

Oh, wait... She didn't do that. She just fed at the capitalist trough that she supposedly despises until she got bored. Then she moved on.

Well, you know what, Janie? Keep moving on, because this Iraq war protest thing is a dog that won't hunt. All the other lefty fruit-bats have already pissed on the fire hydrant, you are late to the party, and nothing you say will make a difference anyway.

More to the point, you might fuck some stuff up for some really good guys. Again. Do you really need another cluster-fuck like that on what passes for your conscience?

Didn't think so.

Oh, and just so you know, I find you cock-witheringly unattractive.

Have a nice day.


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