Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Root Of The Decay Of America

What ever happened to taking responsibility for that which you have spawned?

The Tear-Jerking Tale Of The Week Award goes to this story, about a boy named Deamonte who had the misfortune to be born to the worst excuse for a mother ever, and subsequently died of a brain infection caused by an abscessed tooth.

That isn't how the article is written, of course. It's supposed to be news, but it reads more like a weepy editorial, or a puff piece endorsement of socialized medicine.

Here are some facts, quoted directly from the article.

The Driver children have never received routine dental attention, said their mother, Alyce Driver.

When Deamonte got sick, his mother had not realized that his tooth had been bothering him.

DaShawn {that's a younger brother} saw a dentist a couple of years ago, but the dentist discontinued the treatments, she said, after the boy squirmed too much in the chair. Then the family went through a crisis and spent some time in an Adelphi homeless shelter. From there, three of Driver's sons went to stay with their grandparents in a two-bedroom mobile home in Clinton.

But she had to cancel after learning Jan. 8 that the children had lost their Medicaid coverage a month earlier. She suspects that the paperwork to confirm their eligibility was mailed to the shelter in Adelphi, where they no longer live.

After more than two weeks of care at Children's Hospital, the Clinton seventh-grader began undergoing six weeks of additional medical treatment as well as physical and occupational therapy at another hospital.

So, let's summarize:

Alyce Driver had five sons.

She never saw to it that they received dental care.

She signed them up for "free" dental care eventually.

The "free" coverage lapsed because she did not keep a current address on file with the state.

One of her sons died because she neglected his oral health for so long that the infection from an abscessed tooth spread to his brain and killed him.

She was unaware that his tooth was bothering him until it was far too late.

The hospital-to-morgue process took about seven weeks, and was taxpayer-funded.

Sorry, folks, but there's no way to spin this one. The author of the story tried, but it didn't work. What we have here is a clear case of child neglect. It's not the government's fault. Deamonte Driver would be alive today if his mother wasn't such a fuck-awful excuse for a parent.

Does that sound harsh? Well, it's meant to. I thought, at least in civilized countries, that you humans were past the point where you had to have a huge hoard of kids in case some of them died. I also thought you were past the point where parents were too fucking stupid to avail themselves of all the "free" shit that they can get in order to take care of said hoards.

Really, Alyce, shut the fuck up with the excuses about how HAAAAARD it was to find a dentist who accepted your "free" dental coverage. Because frankly, I don't give a shit. You (and a few milliliters of jizz) made those kids. It is YOUR JOB to do whatever it takes to care for them, even if that means dealing with bureaucracies and long bus rides.

Oh, but they weren't even all in your custody, were they? That three of them were living elsewhere, and you only had to fret about two of them, makes your slothfulness when it comes to your kids even more inexcusable.

And where the hell is the father (or fathers) in all this? I realize the nuclear family is passé. But FUCK. That's a lot of kids without fathers for one entitlement-minded mother to be expecting the government to take care of.

Anyway, Alyce, here's some life advice. Find a hobby besides fucking and making babies. A really nifty one might be teaching your kids about brushing their teeth and using dental floss.

Also, get off your dead ass and take the little bastards to the dentist. It takes many months, or even years, for an abscessed tooth to spread to the brain. That gives you a nice window to not kill any more of your sons.

Finally, if you do decide to have more children, do them a favor and put them up for adoption. They'll thank you for it.

Of course, if there was any justice in the world, this would all be moot, because Social Services would take Ms. Driver's remaining sons away from her before she neglects them to death like she did Deamonte. But that's not going to happen. Cuz, ya know, it's the government's fault, and ol' Alyce has already suffered enough.

Bet she hasn't suffered half as much as the son she killed, though.


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