Friday, February 9, 2007

Humans Are Insane

Seriously. You are. You're all bat-shit loony-toons.

Look at yourselves. You create amazing societies, then you flush them right straight down the fucking toilet.

The other day, I watched a movie called V For Vendetta. It was set in the not too distant future, and the limeys had given away all their freedoms so they could be "safe."

What a crock of shit, right? No one would do that.

Except you already have. Americans, europeans, everybody who has built a basically free society... You have ALL done it to a greater or lesser extent over the last several years.

Are you all so fucking stupid that you do not understand that freedom carries risks? You're supposed to be the most evolved species on the planet. Surely you can grasp a simple principle that's no mystery to this moose.

If an animal lives in a zoo, he gets fed regularly, and he has no liberty, and faces no risks. If he lives in the wild, he has to find his own food, he is completely free, and he has to worry about all the things that might hurt or kill him.

Which is better?

Well, I reckon it depends on your definition of "living." To me, living prophylactically isn't living at all. I know there are many who think I am wrong, who say that it's better to be alive and fenced than liberated and dead.

Sorry, I don't agree.

I've got no idea how many of you believe that it's okay to give up your rights in the name of fighting terrorists or evil or whatever the cause du jour is. (Yeah, I know you love it when I do that french thing.) But all of you who think that are dead fucking wrong.

I know, that's not what you wanted to hear. You want to think there can be some sort of compromise. Where you don't give up everything, but some things, and in exchange, your government keeps you safe.

I'm so sorry to be the moose that informs you that it doesn't work that way. Once you subjugate yourself (Hey! I used another five dollar word that rhymes with masturbate!), there is no going back. Those rights and freedoms will never be restored to you.

I don't even know why I bother writing shit like this. You've already done it, and most of you seem okay with it. And by "you," I mean Americans, the inhabitants of the best society your human species has ever seen. I also mean all your allies. Even the french, no matter how bad they smell.

Think about what you are doing, people. Your tacit acceptance of government intrusion into your lives will NOT protect you from Mohammed Zmed, Evil Terrorist. But it certainly WILL be the ruination of your once-glorious societies.

And that would be sad, because you guys are truly emblematic of the best that humans can aspire to. And if you fall, and crumble to dust, what's left? Are the fucking cockroaches going to take over after all?


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