Thursday, February 22, 2007

Joe Knows How To Live

Well. This ought to be interesting.

--Lieberman Says War Vote Could Prompt Party Switch

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut told the Politico on Thursday that he has no immediate plans to switch parties but suggested that Democratic opposition to funding the war in Iraq might change his mind.

Lieberman, a self-styled independent who caucuses with the Democrats, has been among the strongest supporters of the war and President Bush’s plan to send an additional 21,500 combat troops into Iraq to help quell the violence there.--

There are a lot of people - okay, a lot of democrats - questioning Lieberman's motives.

Some say he continues to support the war over his party's objections due to wanting a U.S. military presence in the Middle East because he's Jewish. They claim that he doesn't really believe what we're doing is right, but merely thinks having them there - for any reason, good or bad - is what's best for Israel. If that is what's on his mind, he's probably not too far off the mark.

Others say he's getting back at the democrats. Their Vice Presidential nominee in 2000, he couldn't even get backing in the primary from his party to retain his Senate seat in 2006. He ran - and won - as an Independent. (Talk about a giant "Fuck you!" to the folks that hung you out to dry. Way to GO, Joe!)

Now if that is why he's doing this, it's no surprise. I'd be pissed off too if my party abandoned me because I wouldn't toe their line.

Yet somehow, I don't think that's why Joe Lieberman is contemplating a switch of parties. I think it's something much simpler, and much more profound.

I believe that Senator Lieberman is an honest man. Yes, I know, the notion of an honest politician is almost absurd. It defies reality. You humans are so used to the convoluted double-speak, the masturbations... er, pontifications on what the meaning of "is" is, that you may not be able to see it. But I don't think I'm wrong.

And obviously he WASN'T willing to be dishonest about his support of the war in Iraq, or he would have done so during the 2006 election season. His steadfastness in his beliefs came at a great cost, so I really doubt he's bluffing.

So here he is, faced with his honesty and personal convictions. And he's surrounded by a bunch of mush-mouthed liars. What to do, what to do?

What he did was throw down the gauntlet. The stakes are enormous (like my penis). Considering that as long as that one Senator is still drooling in a hospital in South Dakota, the democrats hadn't been able to exercise their majority anyway. A Lieberman party switch would be the death blow to that putative majority.

So he is being honest, and drawing his line in the sand. He's saying he'll continue to support the war, and that if they fuck with him enough, he'll fuck the democrats right back but good.

Somehow, I'm sure they heard him. After all, what's he got to lose? They have no leverage over him. What're they going to do? Turn on him like a hoard of rabid weasels?

Oh, wait, they already did that.

Ya know, if I could vote, and this Lieberman dude was running for something, I might just vote for him. I don't agree with him on a lot of stuff. But at least he's got integrity, which is more than can be said about most of the Beltway Assclowns.

Failing that, I'd love to have lunch with him. Jewish deli food is really good.


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