Thursday, February 8, 2007

"Ethnic Studies" And Dead Illegals

Today, I present to you two stories that have damn little to do with each other on the surface.

First, we have a columnist whining that Arizona needs to spend lots and lots more money on little mexican kids who can't speak English. She also wants "Mexican-American/Raza" studies taught in public schools in border states.

Then, we have four masked bandits robbing and killing illegals.

The first story is an opinion piece, something I rarely write about, since my opinion is the only one that matters. But In spite of my normally mild-mannered moose nature, a couple of things about it pissed me off.

One is, I think you humans are out of your fucking minds spending all the money you do trying to teach kids to speak English. They're kids, for shit's sake. They absorb language like a fucking sponge. Don't believe me? Next time you're mad at your spouse, call them a "chuju" in a loud, angry voice. Do this twice, and you will discover to your delight that your offspring will suddenly be using the Polish word for "dick" as part of their daily vocabulary.

Studies show immersion works better than dull rote learning in a classroom. Throw it on the shore and see if it eats or dies.

The other issue this Valdez lady talks about is "ethnic studies." By ethnic studies, she means teaching mexican history to the little mexican kids who are going to school in America. Yes, some of them are American, but only in the loosest sense of the word. The correct term if you're born here but your parents aren't citizens is "anchor baby."

Anyway, for some reason, this chick thinks we should be wasting valuable school time instructing these kids on the history of their homeland. Now, I don't necessarily object to teaching the little bastards the history of our interaction with mexico over the years, as a small part of a comprehensive American history class.

But providing the equivalent of "chicano studies" just because there's a lot of mexicans in the school? No, sorry. If mommy and daddy want them to know all about the country they came from, let 'em teach it at home. School is for reading, writing, and 'rithmetic.

(And yes, I would feel the same way if schools in Minnesota and North Dakota started offering "canadian studies" classes, so don't even go there. At least canada is interesting. They have mooses. And beavers. And Bob and Doug McKenzie.)

This is a good segue into our second story, which is sad, in a "illegal and stupid behavior sometimes has tragic consequences" sort of way. Maybe the folks involved just needed more ethnic studies when they were growing up.

--Gunmen confronted nine or 10 undocumented immigrants in a vehicle along a known smuggling corridor northwest of Tucson, killing three men Thursday and injuring at least two other people, authorities said.

One man was found dead on a dirt road frequented by human smugglers near the Silverbell mine more than 20 miles northwest of Tucson.

Authorities later found two more men dead a few miles north in the cab of the pickup truck that had been carrying the migrants, said Rick Kastigar, the Pima County sheriff's criminal investigations chief.--

The perpetrators of this crime were wearing ski masks, so no description is available. But it will certainly be interesting to find out who did this. A certain faction of the population (always easily identifiable by their left-wing views and Howard Dean spanky-pants) is already predicting that it was craaaaazy white suprmacists or similar types.

That's possible, I suppose, but it would certainly be a departure, since virtually all of the problems the border-crossing desert-walking illegals have are visited upon them by their fellow mexicans. As the article points out:

--Gangs of armed bandits have been known to roam border areas and prey on illegal immigrants as they cross into the country. Feuding among smuggling organizations also is not uncommon, where one group will steal a load of migrants from another, essentially kidnapping them and demanding ransoms from their relatives to gain their freedom.--

I guess there's just no honor amongst criminals anymore. I mean, who would have thought that engaging in criminal acts, surrounded by criminals, in an area known to have large numbers of criminals, might lead to one becoming a crime victim? These illegals should have been as safe as someone who joins the Hell's Angels. After all, that's just a club for middle-aged motorcycle enthusiasts, right?

Or, as they say in the vernacular, when you lie down with dogs, don't be surprised when you wake up with fleas.

And no, I don't think we're going to find out that four rednecks named Smith, Long, Cox, and Jones did this. My money is on the bandits having names like Martinez, Arroyo, Hernandez, and Garcia.

If I'm wrong, I'll eat Chapeau's hat. (I'd rather eat Chocolate, but that's a whole 'nother conversation.) Not to mention, the moose is never wrong. It says so in my profile.


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