Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Tale Of Two Annas

By now, everyone who doesn't live under a rock or in a third-world country knows Anna Nicole Smith is dead.

And, of course, the media (and pretty much everyone else) are having a field day with it. The jokes and comments and criticisms are flying fast and thick. It's kind of sick and sad.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm all for making sport of stupid people, and I have been known to revel in the misfortune of others.

But this is different. Making fun of Anna Nicole going tits up is kind of... I dunno. Wrong. It's the equivalent of drop-kicking a puppy or something. It's just not sporting.

I mean, she was just a sad, sad, SAD individual. Her life was a mess, and her death is an even bigger mess. Look at all the shit that's going on as a result of her untimely demise. There's a pissing contest about her kid. Three men all claim paternity. (How fucking bizarre is that? Lots of times you can't even find one man to cop to the knock-up.) There's a pissing contest about the house she was living in. And there's an on-going pissing contest about that fossil she married then fucked to death all those years ago.

(You know what the squickiest outcome of the paternity thing would be? That the rumors of her having used frozen sperm from the dead geezer to make the baby turn out to be true. That would just be... Ugh. There are no words.)

Anyway, Anna Nicole Smith's life was a train wreck. Her death and its aftermath are just as much of a train wreck. Seriously, people. Leave her alone. Pick on someone who isn't quite so pathetic.

Then there's the other Anna: Anna Mae He. I wrote about her a week or so ago. The Supreme Court of Tennessee said she should be with her mom and dad, Jack and Casey He.

Naturally, her idiot foster parents wanted to keep that from happening, so they filed two motions, one to stay the ruling for thirty days, and another requesting the Court to re-hear the case because their decision violated the laws of the state of Tennessee.

The Court didn't just say no. They said FUCK NO.

I truly love how the Supreme Court of Tennessee keeps spanking these idiot fucks. The Bakers, the lower court judges, the Bakers' lawyers - no one has escaped the scathing tongue of the court that finally did right by this little girl.

So, motion to rehear the case - DENIED. Motion to stay the transfer of custody - DENIED. That puts Anna Mae He one step closer to being back with her family.

One sad Anna story and one happy one. I guess the universe is in balance.


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