Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Little Miss Big Tits

It's the big-titted secretary's birthday. So this is my way of showing my appreciation for everything she does for me.

She has the most important job in the world. She listens while I express my interesting, accurate, insightful (and inciting) thoughts, then she types them up for me. I would do it myself, but I can't. No one has invented a hoof-friendly keyboard yet.

So I rely on the secretary. And she has never let me down.

Don't get me wrong. She's not perfect. For example, she laughs really loud when Frasier cock-blocks me. That's just wrong. Everyone knows Chocolate was meant to be mine, and giggling and finding mirth when that pompous white asshole gets in my way is just mean.

And sometimes she's real stubborn. When she thinks I'm wrong, or behaving badly, she digs in her heels like something straight out of one of those truck pull things that dentally challenged rednecks go to.

(Obviously, I am never wrong. My profile still says so. So don't any of you think my heel digging big-titted secretary changes that. Just thought I'd make that clear.)

You all kinda wish you had a big-titted secretary doing your bidding though, don't you? Especially one like mine. Even when she's disagreeable, she's all fun and spunky and smart and kinda hot.

Yeah, admit it. You're jealous. Well, sorry. You can't have her. She's MY big-titted secretary, warts and all.

So happy birthday, Little Miss Big Tits. Thanks for making this moose who he is. I couldn't have done it - and can't do it going forward - without you.


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