Thursday, January 18, 2007

Obama... In Pajamas... He's Coming Down The Stairs...

Someone's spreading rumors about Barack Hussein Obama, that black guy with the funny name who's running for President.

The email forward, which has been setting the internet that Algore didn't invent on fire, says that Mr. Obama was, at some point in his tender youth, schooled in the ways of militant Islam. He has since embraced christianity, but back in the day, he turned to Mecca six times a day to say his prayers. (Okay, he was, like, eight years old, so he probably sang dirty limericks instead of praying, but you get my point.)

Gee. Really? A guy with a muslim name was exposed to the muslim religion? I swear, I'm going to faint dead away from shock. (Okay, I'll dial back the sarcasm a little.)

Because that's not what's really funny about this story.

Funny Part A is that this information - that a man with a muslim name had some religious education at a muslim school - has been out there for more than two years, since ObiWannaBe's first book came out in 2004. It's just, nobody thought it was a big deal until he decided to run for President.

Which brings us to Funny Part B. What's hysterical in a "oh fuck I just pissed myself" way is, supposedly it was Hillary Clinton who dropped the dime on ol' Obama for being a former mumbling towel-head.

I can't say whether I believe it was her or not. Kinda sounds like something she'd do, but the timing is off, so the cold-blooded factor is missing.

But if she did do it, that's funny as shit. And if she didn't, it's funny as shit that she's taking the heat for it. So either way, I get to giggle and stroke my moose-meat.

Which leaves me with only one question...

That whole thing about muslims having to kill people who leave the faith. They don't actually do that, do they? Because that could be sort of messy, regardless of what happens to Obama in the primaries.

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