Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Katrina, You Bitch!

Oh, that Katrina. She will never be done messing with people.

Just ask Michael Brown, who is STILL trying to cover his ass about the many ways he screwed the pooch as FEMA director during the hurricane.

--Party politics played a role in decisions over whether to take federal control of Louisiana and other areas affected by Hurricane Katrina, former FEMA director Michael Brown said Friday.

Some in the White House suggested only Louisiana should be federalized because it was run by a Democrat, Gov. Kathleen Blanco, Brown told a group of graduate students at a lecture on politics and emergency management at Metropolitan College of New York.

Brown said he had recommended to President Bush that all 90,000 square miles along the Gulf Coast affected by the hurricane be federalized, making the federal government in charge of all agencies responding to the disaster.--

That would be, ya know, kinda sad except for one thing. Louisiana DID fuck up in their response to Katrina, and the other affected states, Mississippi in particular, didn't.

Bear in mind that Katrina actually made land-fall in Mississippi, not Louisiana. (Let me take this opportunity to point out that my big-titted secretary gets a strangely aroused smile on her face every time she types "Mississippi." Is there something erotic about the word that I don't know about?)

Anyway, all love juices aside, Mississippi bore the brunt of the full force of the hurricane. New Orleans only got all fucked up because the levees failed. Meaning, they could have evacuated everyone, and let the fuckin' place flood. No one had to die.

But, due to a variety of factors, like the mayor being an incompetent boob, and the negroes resisting the evacuation process, a lot of folks ended up stranded. It was a wholly preventable outcome, and Governor Blanco played a part in it by not laying down the law to everyone involved in the effort to get folks the fuck outta Dodge.

Did she let everything get caddy-whumpus because she's a democrat? I kinda doubt it. But it IS rather interesting that the republican Governors had a clue, and poor Ms. Blanco didn't.

(Does anyone else see the name "Blanco" and start jiving on that Una Paloma Blanco song, or is it just me?)

In other Katrina news, there was an idiot on Trading Spouses last week who said the hurricane was "a weapon of mass destruction that George W. Bush unleashed on the black people of New Orleans." The guy's name is Jameel Malone, but he calls himself Abasi Baruti. I think both names are goofy, so let's just call him Race Master Baiter, or RMB for short.

When I heard RMB's comments, I was struck by the thought that, for somebody that is supposedly the dumbest man alive, the President sure is a clever guy. I mean, shit. He can control the weather. You can't be a total doorknob and conjure up a hurricane. It just isn't possible.

RMB is a bitter, angry man, and a black separatist. But one thing he's not is a resident of any of the states where Katrina hit. Rather, he lives in St. Petersburg, Florida. So realistically, he has no more insight into that weapon of mass destruction that Dubya unleashed than any of the rest of us. All he knows is what he saw on the news.

Not to say Master Baiter or others like him don't have a right to an opinion. They do. Uninformed opinions are the American way. But it must be difficult, carrying around all that unfounded bitterness. Might even make a person act a little crazy.

Which is indeed what Jameel will be remembered for, if in fact he is remembered at all.

Something has always puzzled me about all the hand-wringing about the levees breaking, and how they weren't up to snuff because the government didn't care because New Orleans is mostly black. I have trouble understanding how you humans didn't realize that a breach of the levees sooner or later was a foregone conclusion.

I say this because Mother Nature can be deferred, but in the end she will not be denied.

Only hubris of the highest order (you love it when I talk all intellectual, don't you?) would make your species believe it can build walls thick and high enough to keep the water out, or structures strong enough to withstand any earthquake. And only you are vain enough to think that you can keep my forest from burning to the ground by never letting it burn at all.

We animals understand certain realities that you humans refuse to accept. That is why you will not do the right thing, and give New Orleans back to the sea. You will spend billions and billions AND BILLIONS of dollars, and in the end, the reality that it's fucking stupid to have a city below sea level will come crashing home to you (again), like the pounding waters of a hurricane.

Then again, maybe that's a good thing. Where I'm from, all those dead dumb-asses floating out to sea clutching their big-screen TVs is called "thinning the herd."


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