Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Here's the story of a three year old and her parent, who got their ass booted off a plane because Mommy & Daddy couldn't get their little angel to sit in her seat, and fasten her seatbelt.

--Flight attendants often deal with obnoxious passengers who won't listen to instructions by kicking them off the plane. But a Massachusetts couple think AirTran Airways went overboard by treating their crying 3-year-old daughter in much the same way.

Julie and Gerry Kulesza and daughter Elly were removed from the flight when the girl refused to take her seat before takeoff, airline officials said Tuesday. But her parents said they just needed a little more time to calm her down.

AirTran officials say they were only following Federal Aviation Administration rules that children age 2 and above must have their own seat and be wearing a seatbelt upon takeoff.

``The flight was already delayed 15 minutes and in fairness to the other 112 passengers on the plane, the crew made an operational decision to remove the family,'' Graham-Weaver said.

But Julie Kulesza said: ``We weren't given an opportunity to hold her, console her or anything.''--

Ohferfuck'ssake. You had fifteen minutes plus to "hold and console" the little semen demon and get her into her seat. How the hell much more time do you need?

But no. Even after receiving a refund sor their tickets, and freebie tickets to be used later, the Kuleszkas declare that is simply not enough, and they have vowed to never fly AirTran again.

That roaring noise you hear is the employees and customers of the airline celebrating.

The parents and their Spawn of Satan have been doing interviews, and making the rounds of the talk shows, showing off their "well-behaved" daughter. Wonder how many hits of cough syrup they had to give the kid to pull THAT miracle off?

But this story really isn't about Snotley and her clueless parents. It's about the hundreds of people who made reader comments at the end of the Sun-Sentinel's story. The comments are running about twenty to one against the dumb-fuck breeders.

I'm not sure why that surprises me, but it does. I've been wondering for a while why you humans let your children behave like tasmanian devils coked to the eyeballs, and yet, it appears it bothers the people who make their kiddies behave as much as it bothers me.

I just can't picture how two adults think it's better to delay a plane-load of people than to wrestle their unruly child into her seat no matter how loudly she screams. It gives me hope to know I'm not the only one who feels that way.

In the animal kingdom, if a little one misbehaves, it is gently corrected. If that doesn't work, stronger measures are used. In the end, the youngsters are not allowed to ruin things for everyone else.

The reader comments to the article tell me that the majority of you humans feel that way too. That you appreciate that you can't reason with a three year old, and sometimes you've just gotta get physical, has made my moose-day.

So let's join hand-in-hoof and stand up for not letting the BRATS! rule the world!

Oh, and can someone explain to me why anyone would even WANT to take a little kid on a plane unless it was an emergency? It's kinda like taking them to nice restaurants. You have to work up to the "civilized human being" stage before you unleash them on the world.


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