Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Jesus Is Dead, And It's All Capitalism's Fault!

I do a lot of reading in a lot of places on the internet. Besides knowing what's going on, I also like to know what people have to say about what's going on.

So, there were a bunch of hens and harpies babbling on about how socialized medicine would have saved Deamonte Driver (NOT!), and one of them mentioned a kid who had died for lack of proper medical care, and what a travesty that was in the richest country in the world.

He was poor, you see, and uninsured. He came from a non-English speaking immigrant family. A simple dose of antibiotics could have saved him, but the doctors were cruel and heartless. She even mentioned the victim of capitalist-based medical care by name: Jesus Adrian Aguina Gonzalez.

It really would be a heart-breaking story if it wasn't utter and complete bullshit.

See, there's this thing called Google. And it is a veritable cornucopia of information. So I typed in the dead kid's name, and lookie what I found.

--The type of rare blood poisoning that killed 16-year-old Jesus Aguina-Gonzalez of San Jose is extremely difficult to diagnose, according to experts in infectious disease.

``It's every pediatrician's nightmare,'' said Dr. Peggy Weintrub, a pediatric infectious disease expert with the University of California-San Francisco who said she was not familiar with this specific case.

``There is not a rapid good test'' for the meningococcus bacteria that caused the infection, she said. ``There are times when symptoms are not definitive and treatment is a judgment call. It depends how sick they are. It is very hard to differentiate from a bad case of the flu.''--

As the young and hip are wont to say nowadays, OH SNAP!

Let's be serious here, people. Having insurance wouldn't have saved this kid. He had some kind of freaky infection that mimics the flu. The doctors poked around in his blood, piss, shit, and spinal fluid. And they found nothing. So logically, they presumed it was the flu.

And this is a bacteria where you go from zero to dead in twenty-four hours. No one knows why. It just happens to some people, while the vast majority of folks who have the germ in their schnozz or gullet don't get sick and die.

Would the three hours he spent at home before his family brought him back to the hospital have made a difference? Probably not. He'd already been dead a couple of days when the doctors/coroner/family figured out what killed him.

Yes, this is a sad story. Jesus died, and his family is hurting. I have no doubt that their pain has prompted them to file a multi-million dollar lawsuit alleging that medical malpractice killed their cash cow... er, I mean, Jesus.

But that won't bring him back, and there was no malpractice. Nobody can say for certain why this tragedy happened, but it has happened to rich White kids with excellent insurance too. The only difference is, they perhaps got to spend three more of their final hours in the hospital than Jesus did, with Nurse Ratched trying to pawn rubbery green jello off on them so she could bill their insurance fifty bucks.

Jesus was better off having spent that time with his family, away from the hospital.

And they will have their dollar bills to dry their tears after a jury fatuously awards them millions.

By the by, am I the only one who thinks the school is wildly fucking stupid to let a kid that has no medical insurance play football? Who the hell pays if Jesus breaks his ankle or something? Oh, that's right. The taxpayers do.

You guys are such suckers.


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