Thursday, March 8, 2007

He's Close Enough To Perfect...

That's why he won't run for President.

I'm talking about Fred Dalton Thompson. FOX News ran a story saying he's thinking about it.

--Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson is facing increased calls to get into the 2008 GOP nomination race.

Sources told FOX News that Thompson, 62, now one of the stars of the popular NBC prime time series "Law & Order," has not ruled out a presidential bid, and has authorized advisers and supporters to continue to gauge support.--

This guy's got it all. He's a self-made man, who has been a shoe salesman, a truck driver, a lawyer (but we won't hold that against him), a Senator representing Tennessee, and an actor, most recently on Law & Order. He believes in small government, low taxes, a strong military, school vouchers, the Second Amendment, and personal responsibility.

See? I told you he was perfect.

He even left the Senate voluntarily, because he doesn't think politics should be a career, but instead a temporary service that a man performs for his country. *Swoon.* (Shut up. I'm not gay, just politically aroused.)

Thompson doesn't have the baggage of the Republican front-runners, either. He's not crazy like John McCain, or beset with personal scandals like Rudy Giuliani. (C'mon, Rudy, serving the old lady with divorce papers while she's battling cancer? That's just RUDE.)

At 6'6", he's an imposing man. He's got a deep, commanding voice, and is wonderfully articulate. He even LOOKS like a President, something that can't be said for Rudy, McCain, Hillary, or Osamabama.

Seriously. Could he possibly be any more tailor-made for the job?

If there's anything working against him, it's his age. He will turn 66 by the time the elsection rolls around, and lately, the trend has been towards younger Presidents. I question the wisdom of that trend, though. One cannot say with a straight face that Bill Clinton didn't have certain, shall we say, maturity issues. To a lesser extent, so did Dubya when he took office. Those eight years shouldn't be the time when a man grows up. He should come to the Oval Office loaded for ber and ready to solve the world's problems, like Ronald Reagan did.

If there's anything else working against him, it's that he thinks politicians are all a bunch of dishonest, sleazy bastards. While he's absolutely correct about that, it might make working with the Beltway Assclowns somewhat... How you say? Extrêmement difficile? (Yeah, I know you love it when I speak French. Anyone want to pet my "french tickler"?)

Ahem. The third issue might be, acting pays a damn sight better than being the Big Cheese does. My hope would be that ol' Fred would, if enough people want to see him run for President, be willing to make that sacrifice as sort of a, I don't know, duty to his country?

We can only hope.

Dude, you're my hero. I'm begging ya. Run, Fred, run!


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