Monday, March 12, 2007

Maybe They Should Have Gone With "Hoo-hoo" Or "Twat" Instead

Three high school girls were suspended for their contributions to a school event.

Saying the word "vagina" during a reading at a John Jay High School open mic session has resulted in suspension for three female students and has sparked a debate about censorship throughout the community.

School administrators had warned the girls it would be inappropriate to say the word while reading a selection from Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues," but the students were willing to suffer the consequences.

Read the rest of the articlehere.

Okay, not seeing the problem here. The girls involved were told not to use the word because there were going to be young children in the audience, and they agreed not to. They changed their minds, and chose to say it anyway and accept the consequences.

So why are all these other people getting involved? It seems like a closed issue to me.

Not to mention, all this whining about "censorship" is pretty damned stupid. It's not about censorship. It's about the fact that there were going to be children of all ages at this little shindig. They really don't need to be hearing about vaginas.

More specifically, they don't need to be hearing shit like this:

"My short skirt is a liberation flag in the women's army. I declare these streets, any streets, my vagina's country."

Telling your little daughter, "This is your vagina. Tell me if it hurts or if somebody touches it" is one thing. Reading to her from The Vagina Monologues is quite another.

But I guess concepts like selecting "age-appropriate material" for family-oriented school functions went out of fashion with beehive hairdos.

I gotta wonder who told these ding-a-lings this was a good idea. And no, I don't believe they came up with that one their own. I'm picture a single mother of one bratty girl, a "feminist," of course. Expensive streaks in her hair, expensive manicure and pedicure. The kind of chick who whines about how "opressed" she is because she's a woman, complaining long and loud all the way to the bank to cash her $6,000 a month alimony check.

I could be wrong, of course, but somehow I doubt it. Only those kind of "feminists" have enough time on their hands to fit in both gazing at their navel and indoctrinating their daughter.

Anyway, man up, girls. Serve your suspension, call off the protests, and get on with your "liberated" little lives.

Oh, and next time you make a promise... Keep it.


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