Sunday, April 8, 2007

Hey, Peeps! Happy Easter!

No, not this kind of peeps...

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But rather, the "people" kind of peeps. You know, like when you speak ebonics. (I feel so black now.)

So Easter is supposedly the day Jesus rose from the dead. My first question would be, why is it that when such a thing happens in a horror movie, we call the formerly dead people zombies, but when it happens in the middle of the desert, we call it The Coming Of The Messiah? Enquiring minds want to know.

But what I really want to know is, how do Christians know they're right? I mean, I suppose that's the essence of what faith is. You just KNOW. It's a mystical thing, and all that jazz.

But since this resurrection gig happened so long ago, nobody knows that it actually HAPPENED. There weren't any camcorders back then, so all we have is second-hand knowledge from the people who claim to have seen it.

And certainly, Christianity is not the only religion to have a "special" person who is alleged to have done amazing things. If I were a Christian, or some other religion, that would bug me. I'd want some kind of PROOF that Jesus was The Guy, and Muhammad wasn't. Or that Mormonism, that odd amalgamation of Christianity and Other Stuff, wasn't The Way.

Of course, if you demand proof, then you don't have faith. And then they call you a heretic and burn you at the stake or something. I realize nobody does that much anymore, but given that Muslim fathers still kill their daughters for taking their veils off in public, I thought lack of faith was worth mentioning.

The other question that would bug me if I had faith is, what if I'm wrong? What's God's or Allah's or Yahweh's punishment for backing the wrong pony? The reality is, they can't ALL be right, so someone's wrong. What is the punishment in the after-life for being wrong?

I think that's kind of an important question because most people DON'T question their faith. They follow whatever religion their parents raised them with, and that's that. Which means, if there is indeed judgement in the hereafter for following the wrong set of gods, prophets, and rituals, a whole lotta people are going to be fucked eight ways from Sunday.

I guess I'd be rather pissed off if that happened to me. I'd feel like a "good" god should make allowances for the fact that a whole lot of people had never heard His particular message. So I'd figure the folks who led basically decent lives should be allowed into the good after-life instead of the bad one, in spite of not believing the "right" things, and saying the "right" words, and engaging in the "right" practices.

But I don't get the impression that most of the alleged gods out there are that forgiving of circumstances. Rather, they sound like "my way or the highway" sorts. Which doesn't seem quite fair, and also appears to me to be all the more reason that religious people should question their faith. Just to, you know, make SURE you picked the right one.

But ol' God would probably smite them for that, too.

Anyway, happy Zombie Jesus day, and can someone explain one more thing to me? How did a giant anthropomorphized rabbit who delivers candy end up becoming a symbol of Easter anyway? (Ha. I used a big word. Doesn't that make you want to rub my crotch?) Not that I don't think it's great, because Chocolate is great, but it really does seem sort of odd.

Not to mention, black jelly beans look like rabbit shit, and THAT is just nasty.


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