Monday, December 29, 2008

Crazy People Shouldn't Blog. Yes, I'm talking to you, Heather Larson.

The saga of The Infant Formerly Known As Talon (I would refer to him henceforth as TIFKAT, but since he has a new name, that just wouldn't be polite) continues.

Natasha Roybal allegedly phoned the Larson family last Sunday. Read the gory details here.

This is the part that left my moose-jaw gaping:

-- There are a few things about this conversation that strike me as funny. First of all, we would never have started this blog if this battle hadn't happened. I would have just gone about life, mailing Christmas cards, and never saying a negative word about her. --

How magnanimous of you. If she had allowed you to steal her child, you would have refrained from slandering her, and mailed Christmas cards instead. I'm sure if you had told her that, she would have dropped her case and let you keep her son.


Is it dicky of her to torment you about her legal victory in this case? Indubitably. But yet, was it dicky of you to broadcast the personal details of her and her son's life all over the internet and the airwaves? Without a doubt.

Therefore, the Cosmic Dickiness Quotient in the universe is in balance.

Meanwhile, the tribe issued a press release.


The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (LLBO) thanks the Larsons for taking good care of one of our newest tribal members, Destino (Talon). Contrary to reports in the news, the baby known as Talon in Utah was never adopted by the Larsons. In fact, the adoption proceedings were not initiated in Utah until a month after the LLBO Tribal Court issued an order for pick-up and return of the baby to Minnesota under the jurisdiction and custody of the Tribal Court.

It is unfortunate that Heart and Soul Adoptions failed to follow-up on the “red flag” responses the birth mother gave on their Intake questionnaire. Heart and Soul knew a pick-up order had been issued by the Tribal Court within two (2) weeks after the baby was born. Instead of complying with the court order, Heart and Soul and the Larsons initiated a “flawed” adoption process in Utah courts.

Under Utah law, when the birth parents are married, both parents must give consent to the adoption. In this case the married father never gave his consent. It is regrettable that adoption agencies are able to prey on pregnant mothers in poverty. Equally disturbing is giving false hopes to their paying clients, who they present with a baby, who is actually someone else’s child. The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) protects tribes, tribal members and their children and our collective Anishinabe culture. The Band did respectfully intervene in the Larson’s Utah adoption proceedings. That Judge carefully reviewed the facts and evidence, as well as federal law trumping state law, and followed the law.

Heart and Soul should have returned the child in June to avoid this unnecessarily long duration and consequential attachment by the Larsons. ICWA, Indians and Indian tribes are not the problem here. The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe hopes the Press media and Utah’s agency licensing adoption agencies will critically examine Heart and Soul. --

Destino. I like that. A very strong, manly name.

And the press release is correct. The ICWA and the woo woos are not at fault here. The blame lies with the adoption agency, and the would-be adopters who tried to keep a child that wasn't theirs. This placement wasn't just legally flawed. It was morally flawed. Who would tell a mother that has decided to parent that she should instead give her baby to the highest bidder?

You know, I'm a cynical bastard. So if *I* think a situation is incredibly fucked up, it's really REALLY fucked up. Trust me when I say this White Superiority Complex attempted adoption was a cluster-fuck for the ages waiting to happen. Kind of makes you wonder what life must be like for Kade-Who-Needs-Therapy, doesn't it?

Somehow, in my moose heart, I know this woman will work through her problems and be reunited with her children. Even if she doesn't, though, the kid doesn't belong with people who say shitty things about his mother. No one needs to grow up being told that the person who gave him life is a loser.

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